GameObject:AddBehavior will add a Behavior component to an object from a loaded Lua script resource. UIObject:AddBehavior will add a UIBehavior component, which evaluates additional functions that are specific to UIObjects.
gameManager = GameObject.Create()
-- Load "gameManager.lua" as a component type named "GameManagerBehavior"
Ico.Load("GameManagerBehavior", "gameManager.lua")
-- Add a Behavior of type "GameManagerBehavior" to an object, and cache a local reference
local newComponent = gameManager:AddBehavior("GameManagerBehavior")
-- Give the instance of "GameManagerBehavior" a unique global name
local m = newComponent:ID()
local function Update(context)
-- Update is evaluated every frame.
local function LateUpdate(context)
-- LateUpdate is evaluated after Update() every frame.
local function OnEnable(context)
-- OnEnable is evaluated when the script is enabled.
-- By default, Behaviors are enabled when added to an object.
local function OnDestroy(context)
--OnDestroy is evaluated when the Behavior or the object it is attached to is destroyed.
local function OnDisable(context)
--OnDisable is evaluated when the Behavior or the object it is attached to is disabled.
-- UI functions are only called by UIBehaviors.
local function OnButtonDown(context)
-- InteractiveMode on the UIObject must be set to "Button". Evaluated when the UI button is held down.
local function OnButtonUp(context)
-- InteractiveMode on the UIObject must be set to "Button". Evaluated when the UI button is up.
local function OnButtonCancel(context)
-- InteractiveMode on the UIObject must be set to "Button". Evaluated when the UI button is canceled.
local function OnHoverEnter(context)
-- Evaluated when the cursor hovers the UIObject.
local function OnHoverExit(context)
-- Evaluated when the cursor stops hovering the UIObject.
local function OnDrag(context)
-- Evaluated when the UIObject is dragged by the cursor.
local function OnScrollWheel(context)
-- Evaluated when the mouse scroll wheel is scrolled.
local ScriptAsset = {
Update = Update,
LateUpdate = LateUpdate,
OnEnable = OnEnable,
OnDisable = OnDisable,
OnDestroy = OnDestroy,
OnButtonDown = OnButtonDown,
OnButtonUp = OnButtonUp,
OnButtonCancel = OnButtonCancel,
OnHoverEnter = OnHoverEnter,
OnHoverExit = OnHoverExit,
OnDrag = OnDrag,
OnScrollWheel = OnScrollWheel
return ScriptAsset;
contains information about the Behavior instance. Warning: context
is writable, which allows additional variables to be added, but also allows its initial values to be edited.
: Object
Returns the GameObject or UIObject the instance of the script is attached to.
: Behavior
Returns the Behavior or UIBehavior that the instance of the script is used in.
03 (optimization) AVX2
These are related to compiling c files in windows, while using windows APIs For Release builds: /nodefaultlib:vccorlib /nodefaultlib:msvcrt vccorlib.lib msvcrt.lib
For Debug builds: /nodefaultlib:vccorlibd /nodefaultlib:msvcrtd vccorlibd.lib msvcrtd.lib
-mfma FMA support