

struct Camera A 32 bit handle.

enum RendererClearMode Clear flags for the camera.

typedef enum RendererClearMode{
  RendererClearMode_DontClear = 0,
  RendererClearMode_ClearColorOnly = 1,
  RendererClearMode_ClearDepthOnly = 2,
  RendererClearMode_ClearColorAndDepth = 3,

Creation & Destruction

Camera_Add( GameObject object ) : Camera Attaches a camera to the game object.

Camera_Destroy( Camera camera ) : void Destroys the camera.


Camera_Get( GameObject object ) : Camera Returns the first camera attached to the game object.

Camera_GameObject( Camera camera ) : GameObject Return the game object this camera is attached to.

Camera_VerticalFOV( Camera camera ) : float Returns the vertical fov of the camera in degrees. Returns NaN if the camera is null.

Camera_NearClip( Camera camera ) : float Returns the near clip distance of the camera. Returns NaN if the camera is null.

Camera_FarClip( Camera camera ) : float Returns the far clip distance of the camera. Returns NaN if the camera is null.

Camera_LayerMask( Camera camera ) : uint32_t Returns the layer mask of the camera. Returns 0 if the camera is null.

Camera_RenderOrder( Camera camera ) : uint32_t Returns the render order of the camera. Returns 0 if the camera is null.

Camera_ClearColor( Camera camera ) : Float4 Returns the clear color of the camera. Returns NaN if the camera is null.

Camera_ClearDepth( Camera camera ) : float Returns the clear depth of the camera. Returns NaN if the camera is null.

Camera_ClearMode( Camera camera ) : RendererClearMode Returns the clear mode of the camera. Returns 0 if the camera is null.

Camera_RenderTexture( Camera camera ) : RenderTexture Returns the render texture attached to this camera, if one exists.

Camera_ReplacementShader( Camera camera ) : Shader Returns the shader attached to this camera, if one exists.

Camera_WorldToScreenPoint( Camera camera, Float3 world ) : Float3 Transforms the world space point to camera-screen space. Returns NaN if the camera is null.

Camera_ScreenToWorldPoint( Camera camera, Float3 screen ) : Float3 Transforms the screen space point to world space. Returns NaN if the camera is null.

Camera_WorldToViewportPoint( Camera camera, Float3 world ) : Float3 Transforms the world space point to camera-viewport space. Returns NaN if the camera is null.

Camera_ViewportToWorldPoint( Camera camera, Float3 viewport ) : Float3 Transforms the viewport space point to world space. Returns NaN if the camera is null.

Camera_ScreenToWorldPoint( Camera camera, Float3 screen ) : Float3 Transforms the screen space point to a world space ray. Returns NaN if the camera is null.

Camera_ViewportPointToRay( Camera camera, Float3 viewport ) : Float3 Transforms the viewport space point to a world space ray. Returns NaN if the camera is null.


Camera_SetVerticalFOV( Camera camera, float vertical_fov_degrees ) : void
Sets the vertical fov of the camera in degrees.

Camera_SetNearClip( Camera camera, float near_clip ) : void
Sets the near clip distance of the camera.

Camera_SetFarClip( Camera camera, float far_clip ) : void
Sets the far clip distance of the camera.

Camera_SetLayerMask( Camera camera, uint32_t bitmask ) : void
Sets the layermask of the camera.

Camera_SetRenderOrder( Camera camera, uint32_t order ) : void
Sets the render order of the camera.

Camera_SetClearColor( Camera camera, Float4 color ) : void
Sets the clear color of the camera.

Camera_SetClearDepth( Camera camera, float clear_depth ) : void
Sets the clear depth of the camera, values from 0 to 1.

Camera_SetClearMode( Camera camera, RendererClearMode clear_mode ) : void
Sets the clear mode of the camera.

Camera_SetRenderTexture( Camera camera, RenderTexture render_texture ) : void
Sets the render target on the camera. Passing null will set the camera to render to the screen buffer.

Camera_SetReplacementShader( Camera camera, Shader shader ) : void
Sets a replacement shader this camera will use for all draws. Setting to null clears the shader.