
Maintains the state of the current active socket connection. There can only currently be one connection.


struct NetworkEndpoint A network destination.

struct SocketConnection A virtual connection over UDP.


NetworkEndpoint_CreateIPV4( uint8_t first, uint8_t second ,uint8_t third, uint8_t forth, uint32_t port) : NetworkEndpoint

Socket_GetActive( void ) : SocketConnection
Returns the active socket connection if one exists. Currently there can only be a single active connection.

Socket_Open( NetworkEndpoint address ) : SocketConnection

Socket_Close( SocketConnection connection ) : bool

Socket_Send( SocketConnection connection, uint8_t* data, uint32_t data_size ) : bool

Socket_Receive( SocketConnection connection, uint8_t* buffer, uint32_t buffer_size ) : uint32_t
Returns the number of bytes written to the buffer.